Carrier & Bryant Economizers
Cambridgeport manufactures the most reliable Carrier & Bryant economizers available.

Partnered with the Belimo ZIP Economizer Module and Belimo Actuator.

Belimo ZIP Economizer

Belimo Actuator

This reliable and code compliant, shaft-mounted actuator is equipped with a feedback loop which allows your economizer control to see the position of your damper in real time. This feature allows the economizer module to see problems as they are happening and initiate alarms as necessary to ensure you are always operating at maximum efficiency.
Setup of an economizer has never been so simple and easy. Simply enter your zip code and minimum outside air percentage.
Convertible Economizers
Our economizers are convertible and can be installed in both the downshot and side return orientations.
This wiring will work with most Carrier/Bryant rooftop units built after 2008. Unit must have ctb board (see pic) and can be re-wired for older units (See manual).
This economizer is wired for most Carrier/Bryant units built before 2008. These are units with no CTB board. Zip module is pre-mounted to top of economizer.
Central Terminal Board (CTB)
Typically found in units manufactured after 2008. If present, use standard economizer. Do not confuse with ignition board.
Ultra Low Leak Economizers
In many areas ultra low leak economizers are now required by code. Cambridgeport's U.L.L. economizers meet and exceed the latest ASHRAE and IECC building codes.
These economizers have been tested and labeled by an approved 3rd party testing facility in accordance with AMCA 500-d. Dampers tested and labeled are as follows:
Leakage rates less than 4 CFM/ft²
Leakage rates less than 20 CFM/ft²